Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weekend to remember

On Friday night I got together with some friends to play Dominion, a popular card game, while we ate brochettes. These are kabobs of roasted meat, tomatoes and onions, known as Nigerien fast food because one of the local ladies makes and delivers them right to our doors. SO YUMMY! 

On Saturday Anne (see pic below) hosted a bunch of us for pancake breakfast, yum! I hadn't slept well so I went back to sleep afterward 😴

Saturday evening after dinner with New Zealand friends we played Settlers of Catan, another popular board game that I love!

Anne & I on the way to church

Walking to church takes us off the main road and through the winding village streets 

Sitting in the women's section, everyone dressed up!

Sunday morning we attended a local church that worships in French and Hausa. Sunday evening we have our own service on the hospital compound; I was officially introduced to the team 😁

Tomorrow starts our therapy camp for moms of babies with developmental delays. We expect to have 10 moms and babies staying with us. During the day they will receive therapy sessions and health education on topics such as HIV, burn prevention, family planning, and typhoid. Please pray for their safe travels and that they remain committed to putting education into practice this whole week. Please pray that I have enough energy to focus on the needs of so many little ones!

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