Monday, January 30, 2017

Safari Njema!

Today (Monday) the team spent at the Lake Nakuru Game Park. It was our last day together as a team 😢 but a beautiful day it was!!!

We saw so many amazing animals. The lionesses and giraffe family were definitely highlights! We ate a picnic lunch and then it rained!! In Africa!! (cue music)
The past week has been full of information and transformation. There were many lessons learned, relatíonships formed and blessings received (and hopefully given).
The downside of today was Lilia feeling ill; please pray that she can recover before she has to travel home with the team at midnight Tuesday (3pm CST).
The next part of my journey is just a trip down the road to Kijabe, where I will visit my friend Bethany and offer my services at AIC Kijabe Hospital. I'll send you updates as I'm able!

Wherever you're headed, we wish you a good journey--safari njema!
With blessings from the WBC Go Team

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