Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Believing in God's promises for you

Book review of “Without Rival” by Lisa Bevere

One of my new favorite books! I follow Lisa on facebook and she always drops truth bombs and nuggets of encouragement. In March and April I finally got around to reading one of her books, "Without Rival." She reminded me that, as women of faith, we each have a unique identity and an incomparable promise, an imperishable inheritance from God our Father. She discusses the dangers of comparing and competing, even as far as the question of gender equality. It was very enlightening to read Paul’s letters in light of the culture of his Greek audience; they had traditionally assigned important religious roles, such as oracles, to women, who were revered as almost demi-gods. It took on a different tone when I then read, “Let women be silent in public meetings and submit themselves to religious authority” (1 Timothy 2:11). She also explored fear vs. love in our relationships; where do we expect disappointment? Are we throwing wishes into a wishing well but are too paralyzed by fear to act upon these desires?

One of the most interesting revelations in this book, for me, was the story of Photina. She was the Samaritan woman at the well, who talked with Jesus about the Living Water. She believed He was the Messiah and she was saved that day…but her story doesn’t end there. What an inspiration!

In short, I needed to hear this just now: “Your life and all of its potential is a God-given entrustment. It would be a shame if all that is in you were like so much treasure and talents buried under the opinions and expectations of strangers” (p. 231). For all of these reasons, I highly recommend this book.

(Note: there are teaching videos available if you want to read this book as a group study)

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