Friday, November 10, 2017

Back to School!

On October 30th I started my next phase in preparation for SIM: the online class, "Second Language Acquisition," through Wheaton College. This requires 1-2 hours of coursework/day and Skyping with my instructors at least 2x/wk. I am also continuing my theology classes online and just completed Theology II. The current class is called "Studying the Bible for All Its Worth." Contrary to what I was hoping, this season of studying has corresponded with increasing requests from each of my employers (I am with 3 rehab companies) as occupational therapy is always in demand. Please pray for my time management and sanity.

In addition to the success of Chick-fil-A Spirit Night (see previous post below), I have more good news about support: my MedSend grant application has been approved! They will begin paying my monthly student loan payments once I go active with SIM, which is a huge burden lifted off of my shoulders! Thanks be to God! They will also subsidize my registration for the CMDA orientation for new medical missionaries in March (bonus!). Thank you for praying for this!

Sometimes in my daily activities, the fact comes up that I am moving to Africa next year. When I am asked why on earth I would want to do that, I explain that I love God and that He has shown me that I can use my skills as an OT to serve people who otherwise would not receive any rehabilitation services. To help keep perspective, this is why I do what I do:

By praying for and supporting me, you are ALSO part of something bigger! THANK YOU!

If you haven't yet heard my presentation, and would like to meet me with me, or if your small group could benefit from hosting a "real live missionary" :) please email me to set something up.

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