Monday, September 25, 2017

One who is "cent"

Someone shared this with me recently and I thought it was great:
Every time you reach for a penny in loose change or find a stray one on the ground, I want you to look at One Cent and stop to say a prayer for me...One who is "Cent" across the world as a missionary! (And for any other missionaries you know, too!)
Here are some of my current prayer requests:
*Praise God that my boss let me take off for the SIM training in Charlotte, October 1-7; please pray for my focus and clarity during this time
*Pray for my application to Medsend, a student loan repayment program for medical missionaries, to be approved
*Pray for my time management as I work part time, meet with potential partners and take online classes in theology and second-language-learning skills

Thank you for your support! 

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