Over a week ago, my friends and I gathered for what we
called “Fall Festivities.” We brought potluck dinner and I helped decorate the
table with an appropriate theme!
After that evening, I came across this lovely analogy of
carving pumpkins to God’s work of sanctification in our lives:
One friend brought all the pumpkins (well,
squash, anyway) and after dinner, the carving commenced! We are quite an
international group, so we Americans tried to explain to those from Australia,
Italy, Brazil, Ethiopia, how we traditionally celebrate Halloween in the US. We
shared some of our favorite costumes (mine was a bag of jellybeans, which I
made from a clear dry cleaning bag stuffed with inflated colorful water
balloons) and reminisced about favorite candy.
I made vegan caramel apples
(remarkably easy and delicious recipe here!) and apple cider for everyone.
(Later at home I also made my first ever batch of apple butter from the
leftover pulp—yum!)

- God picks you from the patch and brings you in (John 15:16),
- Then He washes all the dirt off of you (2 Corinthians 5:17),
- He opens you up and scoops out all the yucky stuff, removing the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc (Romans 6:6),
- Then He carves you a new smiling face (Psalm 71:23),
- And He puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see (Matthew 5:16).
Cute biblical analogy! Looks like a lot of fun.