Monday, January 21, 2019

Wearing many hats

 Occupational therapist by day… high school teacher by afternoon… receptionist/cooking class instructor by night...

 I seem to have become a teacher overnight (my father’s mother would be proud, as she was an English teacher). I originally agreed, back in the fall, to help fill in the gap being left by a retiring reading resource specialist at Sahel Academy. This is a wonderful school here in Niamey with a Christ-centered mission,

to develop students through a holistic education of the highest quality while nurturing a Christ-like character and a heart of service.

 I originally planned that I would volunteer two afternoons per week, after seeing my therapy clients in the mornings, to assist 2 students in the Phonics First literacy program. Then, the bottom fell out for a dear couple who both teach at Sahel, forcing them to leave Niger during the first week of the new semester in order to pursue medical attention. And voila! I am now teaching three secondary school (high school) students, four afternoons per week: one in physics, one in biology, and one in reading/Phonics First. The curricula/syllabi are already laid out for the semester, so at least I don’t have to do an excessive amount of prep work, but I do need to prepare for each science lab, grade all the papers and tests, and juggle 2-3 students sharing my time during any given class period. It helps that I loved school, I’ve taught ESL so the phonics stuff is at least a little familiar, and I majored in biology in undergrad. The kids are also very willing to work. 

 Please pray that we can honor God and honor the Academy’s faith in me as we complete this semester together! Please pray for the couple on medical leave, that their doctors will swiftly determine the best course of action. As they just wrote in an update, "the more people praying, the better!"

 My "night job" started as a receptionist position at the Foyer Evangélique Universitaire (FEU) on Tuesdays, and I've also agreed to help on two Thursdays this semester with teaching the cooking class. I don't know anything about teaching cooking, but I do love to eat, and I like to think that I'm a good cook!! I will be brushing up on my kitchen vocabulary in French before my first class, February 7th! (Did I mention I have to teach in French??) There will be other instructors, my friends, there with me, to lend a hand if needed. Please pray that this goes well and that the women (up to 10) enjoy my recipes.